The following references must be considered when dealing with the cleanliness and hygiene of the coffee machine and coffee grinder:

  • The coffee roasting frees fat highlighted by the bright surface of the roasted beans. The greases are deposited in the grinding compartment of the coffee grinder and cause a deposit between the millstones, which varies the conditions of grinding and the granularity.
  • Coffee fats start to oxidise after 12-24 h, developing a bad smell and rancid taste
  • Coffee grounds residues in the filter holder and filter basket transfers a bitter and burnt flavour to the coffee
  • The ground coffee loses 50% of it’s flavours and aromas within 6 h

Cleaning the coffee grinder
The coffee hopper is recommended to be cleaned every 24 hours maximum 26 hours, using a special odourless detergent that leaves no residues.
Every 24 - 48 hours it is advisable to also clean the grindstones from coffee residues. Various products in powder or tablets are available for this operation

Please Note:
It is particularly important that the millstones are cleaned of ground residues because otherwise the granularity of the ground and therefore the taste of the coffee varies.
It should also be noted that clogged grinders increase the temperature of the grinding process, which in no case must exceed 40 ° C (max 45 ° C) in order not to alter the aroma with bitter and burnt flavour.


Recommended procedure after cleaning the millstones:
After cleaning the grinding burrs, the good bartender grinds for 1 or 2 coffees, controls the grain finest with the fingertips of the hand and makes 2 coffees to check the dispensing time that must be about 25 seconds.
The formula for adjusting the right graininess is as follows:
Delivery time < 25 seconds = subextract coffee = too large grain
Delivery time > 25 seconds = over-extracted coffee = too fine granularity

In this way the good barman ensures the high quality of his espresso coffee.

Cleaning the coffee machine
In order to keep the efficiency of the coffee machine high and constant, it is necessary to eliminate limescale deposits in the boiler and in the heating element for this operation various types of cleaning products are available, in powder or tablets. Maintaining the high level of efficiency of the coffee machine is essential for the machine to maintain the temperature levels (extraction temperature 90 ° C) and precision even during periods of increased consumption of espresso coffee.

Obviously the good bartender cleans all the components of the machine daily. These components can accumulate deposits which oxidise rapidly and deteriorate the quality and flavour of the coffee.
Please pay particular attention to cleaning the steam wand, milk residues oxidise very fast.

Cleaning the filter basket and the filter holder
The good Barista must clean the filter and the filter holder well before each extraction.
Any coffee residues must be eliminated with care even in times of greater demand for extraction.
It is therefore not sufficient to slam the filter holder on the knocker. The good bartender always has a brush and a clean cloth at the fingertips and uses them both to carefully clean any coffee residues in the filter holder.
Cleaning of the environment, of the countertop and of all equipment
It is evident that the furniture, style and atmosphere that suggests to customers, is a strong component of the success of the exercise and the barman. However, please keep in mind that in the absence of cleanliness and hygiene, all the devoted work risks to be canceled. The care of cleaning and hygiene is therefore a particularly sensitive subject to which to devote maximum attention.
Floor cleaning
Floor cleaning must be done with care every day.
It is important to clean and sanitise even the less accessible items and the under-counter - undercoat because it is in these hidden corners that bacteria and odours accumulate and proliferate.
We recommend using products intended for the professional market (hotels, bars, restaurants, etc ...) available in concentrate to be diluted.

Cleaning of the bench-top and all the equipment clearly visible to customers
The first thing that the customer assesses when enters a bar, in addition to the furnishings and atmosphere of the room, is the perception of order, cleanliness and ultimately the professionalism of the manager. It is obvious that everything that is directly visible to the customer when approaching the counter must be constantly kept tidy and clean to perfection.

In this theme we must also include the clothing of the staff, which must be cared for and cleaned.

For cleaning the bench, mirrors, equipment and possibly even tables, chairs, etc., we recommend technological products that ensure not only to clean perfectly without effort but also perform an antibacterial action.