Slingshot Kilo' Precision Automatic Tamper


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Kilo’ is an Automatic coffee Tamper designed for busy coffee shops where speed, efficiency and consistency are required. Our goal is to “deliver a perfect level tamp for every shot, regardless of the barista on duty". The downward tamping force ranges from a light 3 Kg to a heavy 30 Kg, and users can program the machine to tamp a single coffee bed up to three times, each at a different pressure. Baristas may choose different numbers and pressures of compressions for different origins prepared in different doses and grind settings.

Kilo's optional space saver stand improves ergonomics while gaining space on the counter bench.

Tamping disc :

58.4mm for La Marzocco Precision Basket
58.45mm Pullman Tamping Disc
54.6mm for La San Marco
53.0mm for La Spaziale

Precision Scale

Kilo' Autotamper feautures a precision load cell scale, which controls the tamping pressure applied, ranging from as low as 3kg "soft tamp" up to 30Kg.

Variable Tamping Profile

Kilo' features a patented variable tamping profile.
The barista can set up to three different profiles. Each profile can be set to tamp from 1 to 3 times with a pressure range from 3 to 30 kg.

Removable Tamping Disc

The Tamping Disc is attached to the auto-tamper with a magnetic locking system. The Barista can now easily remove the Tamping Disc during cleaning operations. 

Tamping & Polishing

Kilo' tamps the coffee puck while gently polishing the coffee surface with a 35 degree turning motion. Our unique tamping movement  eliminates statics in the Tamping Disc.

Cleaning Function

The Cleaning function lowers the Tamping Disc giving the user an easy access for cleaning purpose.  

Tamping Counter

Kilo' records the total coffee tamps for each different tamping profiles. A great feature for monitoring daily coffee sales.  

Super Fast Tamping

Kilo' is the fastest Automatic Tamper in the market, full stop! Tamping time ranges from as low as 0.8 sec for a single tamp to a max of 1.4 sec for a triple tamp. Our unique twin-disc transmission design combined with the onboard weighing system guarantees super-fast tamping operation at all times. 

  • Tamping pressure: 3 to 30 Kg
  • Accuracy: -+ 300 gr
  • N. tamping profile: 3
  • N. Tamping: 1 to 3
  • Speed: 08 sec/tamp to 1.4 sec (3 tamps)
  • Power: 220-240v 60W
  • Weight: 3.5Kg 

Kilo' Stand Space Saver

Kilo' stand space saver improves ergonomics while gaining space in the counter bench.

This accessory stand will speed fork flow in the cafe. Comes standard with rubber feet plus a set of vacuum cups feet for installation on stainless steel benches.